Table of Contents
This is the index page for dance instructions. Please add a link here as appropriate when you have posted a set of instructions. Note that pages in RED still need to be supplied. Others may still need work (it would be nice to have an amber link!??) There are names in grey boxes that MAY (or may not) be dances for which instructions are available. The tag '??rename' is to indicate that the link does not have the prefix 'ins_' which is desirable to allow us to count the dances.
Tags for finding special material
The following tags can be put in pages. Eventually I (JN) will try to establish some mechanisms for searching. In the meantime, they will serve to help people find music etc. for dances.
- <GENRE: ….> where …. is one of Playford, English, contra, (please contact JN before adding other genres)
- <MUSIC-SHEET:….> where …. is a reference to the sheet music (may be in this wiki in the Sheet Music section).
- <MUSIC-DOWNLOAD:….> where …. is a link to the appropriate source, e.g., iTunes
- <MUSIC-CD:….> where …. is a reference to the CD and track (may be in this wiki in ???). Please include track identifier.
- <MUSIC-TAPE:….> where …. is a reference to the tape. Please include track identifier.
- <MUSIC-LP:….> where …. is a reference to the (vinyl) recording. Please include track identifier.
- <FORMATION: ….> where …. is the formation e.g., longways, round, square
- <NUMBER: ….> where …. identifies number of couples or number of dancers
- <VIDEO: ….> where …. is a link or reference to a video of the dance
Formatting dances
Dances generally are easiest to “line up” with the tags for the parts of the music (e.g., A1, A2, B1, B2, C) if you use a monospace (typewriter-like) font to maintain spacing. This is best done in a text editor (the most common in Windows is Notepad.)
Dokuwiki displays text that is bracketed by the tags <code> and </code> in a monospace font. This is likely the simplest way to present dance instruction blocks.
For formatting to index cards, see dance on card.
One of the easiest ways to submit a new dance is as follows:
- find a dance that displays as you would like your dance displayed
- make sure you are logged in – only logged in users can edit
- in the dance instructions index, locate the alphabetic location where your dance will be placed
- click the edit button below this section of the index
- highlight the dance above or below where your dance will go, copy it (Ctrl-C), then paste (Ctrl-V) TWO times (once for the dance that is there, once for yours)
- change the name of BOTH the instructions page (the first part of the index element in the brackets) and the name to be displayed for your dance (the second element)
- Save the block (leftmost button below the box. May be out of view, requiring scroll down.)
- go to the page that has the dance you like (i.e., click on its link in the instructions index) and click the edit “button” (top one on the RHS of the material displayed)
- highlight all the text in the dance. On many machines, Ctrl-A will do this.
- copy the text (often Ctrl-C)
- optionally, open a text editor (e.g., Notepad) and paste the text into it and save for future use.
- return to the index and find your dance link (it should be red, meaning it does not yet exist)
- click on the link. You should be told it does not exist. You can create it with the Edit/Create button, which is the top button on the RHS of the box.
- paste the “old” dance instructions into the box
- edit the text, using the existing formatting tags
- Save (bottom left of box – again, may need scroll down)
This sounds like a lot because the instructions here are rather detailed. Essentially we are copying a dance and then editing it.
A prototype tool for spacing
The following Perl script will add the spaces. It is executable in Linux and likely Mac command box, and possibly a Windows box, but may need to be run via
perl file.txt
#!/usr/bin/perl # -- add spaces to beginning of text file to get boxes in Dokuwiki and Mediawiki use strict; my $infile = @ARGV[[0]]; print "towikibox on file $infile, result in $"; open (INFILE, $infile); my $outfile = "$"; open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile"); my @all =<INFILE>; close(INFILE); foreach my $line (@all) { chomp $line; print OUTFILE " $line\"; } close(OUTFILE); print "DONE!";
Note the list of English dance videos at
Abbey Reflection (by Trevor Monson) no instructions
Adventure at Margate, An * (Kentish Hops?)
Argeers *
Adson's Saraband * also called The New Exchange
Ah! Belinda Ah! Belinda no music
Albany Assembly no music
All Saints' Day (Legacy: 50 Years of Dance and Song ??)
All Together One After Another no music
Altringham Bathing Machine no music
The Amazed geneticist or Ramsay & rsquo's Reeling The Amazed Geneticist or Ramsay’s Reeling no music
The American Husband or Her Man
Amsbury or Amesbury a.k.a. Hannibal, to music “Fair Quaker of Deal”. May also be Scottish.
An Enchanted Place F An(other) Improper Notion
Anchors Aweigh (Scottish?)
Andrew's Maggot see Essentials
Another Nancy & rsquo;s Fancy or the Lang Staff
Another Nancy's Fancy (Pat Shaw ?? where)
Another Sweet Richard * no music
Anton's Surprise * no music, Contra dance?
Arrival From Holland Arrival from Holland
Arrietta *
Astonished Archeologist * 3cpls
Astoria Lass 16 Dances From Fried De Metz Herman's Potters' Porch Collection
Aye Me (or The Symphony) (Playford Ball) no music
The Baffled Knight * (Maggot Pie )
Balloon no music
Bare Necessities Bare Necessities *
Barne Storming no music, no instructions, video
Barney Brallaghan no instructions
Bath Carnival * (1777) 7 x 32 Bars Tune: Keppel's Delight (Playford Ball)
Bath Medley no music
Becket Gypsy or Dance Gypsy no music contra dance
The Belle of the Ball ??instructions??
Better Day Better Deed no music
Betty Fair (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
BiCentennial Reel no music Contra Dance?
Bingo no music
Bishop *
Blackbird Pie * modern contra dance
Blackheath * (2011 version)
Black Jack music Black Joke?
Black Joke (Black Joak) * music Black Joke?
Blarney Pilgrim Irish music
Blue Primrose no music
Boanopstekker no music
Boatman *
Bobbing Joe * (Hit & Misse, p 12)
Bob in the Bed no music
Bonnie Prince no music no instructions Scottish?
Bonnie Breast Knot Contra Dance
Bonny Nell * (Maggot Pie)
Botany Bay no music scottish
Bournemouth Waves or Venus Reborn no music
Boys of Wexford, The * (Maggot Pie)
Braye's Maggot * no music
Bridget Cruise * Square set
Brief Encounter (Marge Hendy)
(Our) Brief Encounters (Loretta Holtz)
Brighton Camp contra
Britains Glory no music
British Sorrow contra
British Toper, The no music
Bromley Bells yes music no instructions
California Cloverleaf music? contra dance?
Careless Sally no music
Cat in the Window * 3 couple set
Corstorphine Fair no music Scottish dance
Cheerily_and_Merrily * (Hit & Misse, p. 10)
Chelsea Reach * Chelsey Reach or Buckingham House
Cherokee Shuffle contra dance? no music
Chestnut or Dove's Figary
Chocolate Equation 4cpls
Chorus Jig * contra dance
Circle of Tradition no instructions
Clevedon Sicilian or Doreen’s Delight *
Clifton Springs no music
Cogs *
The Cold Snap no music
Cold and Raw (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Colonel John Irwin * 4 couples
Coming Round the Mountain no instructions
Confess(e) (Playford Ball) no music
Constant Nymph no music
Cooks Feet no music
The Cotery * no music
Country Farmer no music
Count Tallard no music
Crimson Clover no music
Crossroads triple minor
Cuckoos Nest The Cookoo's Nest
Cumberland Reel (Lead note + 6 x 32 bars). no music scottish
Cupid Disarm'd no instructions
Cupids Garden * (Maggot Pie)
Dampier (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Dancing the Baby Dancing the Baby *
The Dancing Dutch The Dancing Dutch *
Daphne *
Dapper Harry no music
Dargason or Sedany (Playford Ball)
Darius (TTO 2016 Sat. afternoon)
Dashing White Sergeant Scottish country dance`
Daybreak *
Dear Papa and Dear Mama Ver 1 and 2 no instructions
December Waltz no music
De'il Take the Warr * or De'il Take the Wars (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Designing Woman, The (Roodman: New Friends)
Devilish Delight of Doctor Denard no music
Doldrum, The * (Maggot Pie)
The Donkey Brays The Donkey Brays
Donnie's Farewell to London Donnie's Farewell to London *
Door is not Closed, The * 4cpls
Double Jubilee no music
Dovetail *
Down Yonder square dance
Drapers Maggot (Playford Ball)
Dreyfus Gardens no music
Drive the Cold Winter Away 4cpl
The Drummer * Night Cap?
Dublin Bay or We'll Wed and We'll Bed
THE DUKE OF RUTLAND'S DELIGHT see The Collier's Daughter
Dunsmuir Waltz ?? add instrns
Duquoin Races no music
Durham Reel Tune: A Hundred Pipers. Chord + 5 x 16 bars)
Dusty Miller * (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Dutch Diamond no music
Emma Turns Three * (Roodman: New Friends)
Emma's Waltz no music
An Enchanted Place * four couples
Enfield Common (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Enfield Wash no music
Essentials Andrew's Maggot
Epsom Wells or Wa' is Me
Errol on the Green Errol on the Green *
Exwood United * 3 couple
Fain I Would If I Could * or Parthenia
Fairfield Fancy contra no music
Fair Maid * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
The Faithful Swain or The Constant Lover no music
Fandango *
Fanny Power * 4 couples
Faraway *
Faraway To Bude * 4 couples,
Farmers Quadrille no music
Female Sailor (Female Saylor)
FERRY CROSSING 3 couple set
Fiddle Hill Jig contra
Fiddlers Hat no music
Fits come on me now,The See Bishop of Chester's Jigg,The (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Flirtation Reel contra
For No-one (Experiment to Paul McCartney tune).
For Mary *
Fourpence Hapenny Farthing (which could be written “4 ¾ d”)
Franks Quadrille no music
FRASER RIVER Eddies 3-couple Longways
Freda's Fancy * sicillian
Freda's Fancy * Sicilian
Free Mason * (Freemason) 3cpls
French Ambassador, The * (Maggot Pie)
Friday Night Mixer no music
Fumbler *
The Garter or King James' no music
The Gay Gaddabout The Gay Gaddabout *
Gigue for Genny * 3cpls
Gisburn Processional no music
Gladys' Galop or Gladsome Gladys Gladys' Galop or Gladsome Gladys *
Gleaners * 3cpl
Got a Dance by George video: animation:
Gradeley Lass, The * (Maggot Pie)
Graduate no music
Gray's Inn Mask * no music
Green Willow * (Maggot Pie)
Green Willow * (Maggot Pie)
Grounds Green Sleeves (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Guardian Angels no music
Guidman of Ballangigh or Geud Man of Ballangigh (Gallangigh ????)
Guinea Pig (Come, Let's be Merry) *
The Gun Fleet (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
the Gypsy Hill Jig or GIPSY HILL JIG no music
Hair's Maggot – note there seem to be lots of spellings
Half Century no music
Halsway Sicilian Halsway Sicilian *
Hamburger Special Hamburger Special
Handel's Delight or Mr Handel's delight
Happy Captive * (1774) Tune: The Dusky Night
Happy Clown, The * (Maggot Pie)
Happy Meeting (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730) no music
Haste to the Wedding (Chord + 3 x 40 bars).
Health The * or The Merry Wassail
Hello Mary Lou swing
Helston Furry Dance * Morris dance?
Helston Furry Dance * (Hit & Misse, p.20)
Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee *
HEY Baby Hey * 3cpls
HEY BOYS, UP GO WE (lst Ed. 1650) – See Cuckolds all a row
Hideaway *
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Favourite
Hit and Miss * HIT AND MISS (lst Ed. 1650) Tune: Daphne. For four; in three parts.
Hombey House (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Nomeward Bound * 3 couples
Honeysuckle Waltz ballroom dance?
Horseplay * (Roodman: New Friends)
Hortonia *
Hulls Victory * contra
Huzza My Boys no music
Indian Summer (TTO 2016 Sat. afternoon)
In the Fields Of Frost And Snow *
Irfona's Waltz by Mary Williams
Irish Mary * 4 couples
Jack of Both Sides no music
Jackey Tarr (Jackie Tar, Jackey Tar)
Jamaica Jameko (Jamaica)
Jenny, Come Play * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Jenny, Come Tye (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
John Guy marches into Cupids *
John Tallis' Canon John Tallis' Canon *
Johnny's Quadrille Johnny's Quadrille *
Joseph's Jig or Jovial Joe Joseph's Jig or Jovial Joe *
Jovial Beggars * (Maggot Pie)
Just A Going no music
Jump for Joy * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Katie the Nuisance Katie the Nuisance
Kennedy's Rant, The The Kennedy's Rant *
Kind and Easey no music
The Kindly Shepherd The Kindly Shepherd
Kingcombe Rejuvenated * 4 couples
Kings Penny * (Maggot Pie)
Kit Cat Club II (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Knot (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Koepoort Galliard (Pat Shaw, “New Wine in Old Bottles”) The Koepoort Galliard
La Gavre *
La Lirboulaire (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Lanes_Minuet (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Larkin Grace * 4cpls
Lasses of Portsmouth * (1774) Tune: We Will Down With The French
Lawson's Frisk no music
Leading Lady 3-couple longways or triple miner
Leaving of Liverpool 3 cpl
Leaving of Liverpool Peggy Roe
The Leiberts' Wedding The Leiberts' Wedding
Lilli Burlero * or Lilliburlero
Limousine (3.32)
The Lindsay Rant or Marney & rsquo's Blarney The Lindsay Rant or Marney’s Blarney
Listen to the Mockingbird (dance or music??)
THE LOG DRIVER'S WALTZ 4-couple square
London Assembly, The no music
Long Live London Long Live London *
Lord and Lady of the Rings * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Lord Kilmurray's Delight no music
Lover's Farewell The Lover's Farewell
Love's Triumph (Playford Ball)
Margaret & rsquo's Waltz Margaret’s Waltz *
Marions Delyte * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Marlborough's Victory (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Marriage Hater (Purcell's Dancing Master)
The Martial Baron The Martial Baron
Mary K *
May In The Hague May in the Hague
MAYNE-LY DANCING 4-couple longways
Mayor And Corporation, The no music
McNeal Pavilion * 4cpls 32 Reel no music
Meandering Matilda ??instructions??
Meet In the Middle ??instructions??
Meillionen ??instructions??
Memories *
Men of Law or Solicitors and Barristers Men of Law or Solicitors and Barristers
Merrily We Dance and Sing or The Fillip Merrily We Dance and Sing or The Fillip
Merry Andrew, The * (Maggot Pie)
Merry Companion, The ??instructions? (Fallibroome 2)
Merry Girls of Maidstone no music
The Merry Meeting (1778) * 7 x 32 Bars Tune: The Handsome Couple
Michael's Waltz * 4 couples
Mignonette (reference only)
Mill Lake new
Mill Lake original
Miss Andersons Allemande Miss Anderson's Allemande *
Miss Avril's Delight Miss Avril's Delight *
Miss Bedlington's Fancy Miss Bedlington’s Fancy *
Miss Margaret's Delight no music
Miss Sandie's Delight no music
Miss Sparks's Maggot (Playford Ball)
Mock Hobby Horse,The * (lOth Ed. 1698)
Mock Match, The (Maggot Pie) *
Moll Peatly
Monica's Delight (2 couple, Pat Shaw, written at age 13) Monica’s Delight *
Monieks Maggot This is a dance for 3 couples by Philippe Callens. The same tune was used in the movie Pride and Prejudice (2005) and is reconstructed at Pride and Pomposity below
Mother Quoth Hodge (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Mr Adson's Masque * From Band of Friends??
Mr Bach's Gavotte ??G Roodman “A number of calculated figures” (2000)
Mr. Eaglesfield's New Horpipe *
Mr Ganiford's Maggot Mr Ganiford’s Maggot *
Mr Handel's delight * (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Mr. Millstone's Inauguration *
Mr Shaw's Apologies Mr Shaw's Apologies *
Mr Shaw's Canon Mr Shaw's Canon *
Mr Young's Delight * (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Mu to My
Na to Ne
Neal's Maggot no music
Neck Or Nothing no music
New Princess, The / Early Riser
New Princess Royal triple minor
News From Tripoli (or Tripoly) *
A New Rigadoon (Purcell's Dancing Master)
New Whitehall (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Nightcap * or Night Cap (Maggot Pie) 4cpls
The Night Piece or Night Peese or The Night-Peace or The shaking of the sheets 4cpls
Ninety Four South Street no music
NO EXCUSE 3-couple longways
Nomad Waltz * circle mixer
Nonesuch * or A La Mode de France 4cpls
North Country Lass Tune: The Northern Lass?
Northern Lass, The (Maggot Pie)
Old Hob * or The Mouse Trap no instructions
The Old Jubilee triple
Old Mill, The or The Merry Salopians 3cpls
Old Mole * 3cpls
Once a Night * 3cpls
Opera Reel 6cpls no music?
Oranges and Lemons * 4cpls
Orcas Rising * 4cpls no music
Orleans Baffled * triple
Orliana 4cpls
Ormond House no instructions
Oswestry Square 4cpls
Oswestry Wake 4cpls
Our Brief Encounters no instructions
Oxford Circus * (often uses tune to Parson's Farewell) 3cpls
Oxo Reel * 6 cpls
Packingtons Pound no instructions
Painted Chamber or Country Farmer's Daughter no music
Parkgate 3cpls
Park Lane 2 cpls
Parson Upon Dorothy * no instructions
Parsons Cap no music
Parsons Farewell * 2cpls
Parthenia * (Maggot Pie) 4cpls
Partida, La tune dance “Karla's Waltz” by Peggy Hazell
Parting Lovers,The * triple
Paston's Maggot triple
Pat-a-cake Polka barn dance circle
Pat's Tradition * 3cpls
Peace And Joy * Tune: Peach and Joy?
Pearls of Wisdom 4cpls no music
Peddle no music
The Percolator 5 6 cpls
The Penniless Soldiers The Penniless Soldiers
Pentonville Ramble 5cpls no music
Perfect Harmony ? no instructions
Perfect Harmon-y 4 couple get, longways,
A Perfect Ten 5cpls
Pernod Pernod Waltz“ by Johnny Cunningham? dance “Anisette”
Perro 3cpls
Philida of Utrecht Philida of Utrecht
Phoenix 4 cpls no music
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The The Phoenix Rejuvenated *
Physical Snob The * 3cpls
Picking Up Sticks (lst Ed. 1650) Tune: Lavena Longways for six; in three parts.
Pilgarlic 3cpls no instructions
Pilgrim *
Pinewoods Square Eight Pinewoods Square Eight
Pins and Needles no music
Planting the May Planting the May
Pleasures of the Town * (1777) Tune: The Fair Maid of the Inn triple minor
Po ...
Polka Dot 5 ppl
Pony Express 3cpls
Poor Robin's Maggot. See Would You Have A Young Virgin
Portland Fancy contra 4cpls
Posties Jig 4cpls scottish
Pretty Nun (vol 3 1728)
The Pride of Newcastle The Pride of Newcastle *
The Prince Consort's Rant The Prince Consort's Rant *
Prince Eugene's March (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Prince Rupert's March * (Hit & Misse p. 6) 4 cpls
Prince William 3 cpls
Prince William of Glo's'ter's Waltz no instructions
Princess Augusta's Tamborine no music 3cpls
The Princess Royal The Princess Royal *
Prisoner no music 4 cpls
Proper Dutch no music
Real Princess The Real Princess
Recruiting Officer (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Red and All Red * 3cpls
Red House of Cardiff Red House of Cardiff (Tŷ Coch Caerdydd)
Return of Spring 3 cpls no music
Ribbon Dance, The 5 or 6 couples
Richmond Ball (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Rise and Run 4cpls no music
Ro ...
Road to Dendron no music
Rock The Boat Triple Minor
The Romp or Merry Girls of Scarborough The no music triple minor
Room for Ramblers * no music
Rory O More contra
Roll Back The Rug sicilian circle no music
Roxburgh Castle Scottish?
Royal Albert, The (for Farmer's Quadrille) ????? Scottish?
Rufty Tufty * 2cpls
Rural Felicity - Wilson or Haste to the Wedding * 3cpl
Rural Sports 3cpl
Russian Dance triple minor
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Three Couples
Sackett's Harbor * triple minor dance
Safe Home 3-couple longway
Saint Martin's (Hit & Misse, p. 21)
Sally's Choice 4cpls
Sally on the Mountain contra dance
Sally from Poland Sally from Poland
Salt of the Earth 4cpls
Sashay the Donut folk dance for kids
Sarah *
Saturday the 13th 3cpls
Saucy Sailor, The * (Maggot Pie)
Say I Do * 4cpls
Shades of Shadrack contra no music
Shadrack's Delight contra no instructions
Shandy Hall 4cpls
Shira Delight 3cpls
Shepherds Dance 3cpls
Shepherds Delight 3cpls
Shepheards Holyday * (or Labour in Vaine or Shepherd's Holiday or Labour in Vain) 3cpl
She Rose and Let Me In no instructions
Shifting Bobbins scottish
Shirleys Jig * 4 cpls contra
Short and the Tall no music
Shrewsbury Lasses * 3cpl
Shropshire Gallop Shropshire Galop (The Salop Galop) *
The Shy Mer-Chant or Jack's Serenade to Genny The Shy Mer-Chant or Jack's Serenade to Genny
Sibyls Roundabout contra Sicilian
Sicilian Circle (Lead note + 6 x 32 bars).
Silver for the Matthews Silver for the Matthews *
Since First I Saw Your Face * 2cpls
Sir Roger de Coverley 4-8cpls
Sir Watkin's Jig * 3cpl
SKELETONS’ DANCE 3 cpl longways
Skipping Det * 3 couples
Slaughter House * triple no music
Slof Galliard (Pat Shaw, “New Wine in Old Bottles”) The Slof Galliard
Sm to Sq
Smarts of New Tunbridge Wells, The *
Smith's Boree no music
Snow Day *
Snow in April 3 cpls no music
Soldier's Joy * triple check instructions
Solution, The * 4cpls no music
Some Say the Devil's Dead (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Songs of the Harpist triple minor
Soulton Jigg * no music
Southwind 4cpls
Spanheim (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Spiced Cider no music
Splendid Shilling * 3 cpls
Spring Garden * 4cpls
Staffordshire Hornpipe Staffordshire Hornpipe *
St Annes Waltz Sicilian circle no music
St. George Cross, The 3cpl Scottish no instructions
St. Giles Gate (or Will Kemp's Entry Into Norwich)
St. Margaret's Hill 3cpls
Star County Quadrille * Square
Star Right, Star Bright 4 couple set
Steel Hoop 3 cpl no music
Step Stately * (Jack Pudding)
Stern Polka circle no instructions German
Standard Conclusions 4cpls heys
Sting in the Tail 6 cpl
Stockport Assembly * (Roodman: New Friends)
Stoke Golding Country Dance 4 couple set barn dance
Stockton Ruby Celebration * Square set
Stowe Hall * 3cpl
Streets of Laredo Streets of Laredo
Strip The Willow scottish dance
Su ...
Summer Circle - Sicilian Circle no music
Sun Box The Four Couples, no music
Susan Mann's Jig * 3cpl
Sweet Kate (1670) * (Hit & Misse, p. 14)
Sweet Richard no music
Sweet Rosie Red Sweet Rosie Red
Sybil's Au Revoir Sybil's au Revoir *
Sybils Roundabout Large circle. Any 32 bar jig.
Ta to Th
Take not a Woman's Anger Ill (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Tammy 4-couple square mixer
Taxing Time four couples
Temple of Health 3 Co long set;
Terpsicourante * 4 couples
Thady you gander 4 cpls
Thomas And Sally np music
Three Coney Walk triple minor, triple progression
The Three Sea Captains The Three Sea Captains *
Three Meet (Lead note +6 x 32 bars) Triple Minor
Three on a Bench no music
Through the Looking Glass * 4cpls
Ti to To
Tods Assembly no music
Tom Birchall 3cpl no music
Tom Pate Four Facing Four
Ton, The The Morning Rout? Mutual Love?
Touchstone * A triple minor
Tr ...
Trenchmore as many as will couples
Tributary * 3cpls
Tribute to Irfona * (This is NOT Mary Williams' Canada 150 dance, but Greg Reynolds' “spelling” dance to a tune Irfona Larkin played.)
Trim the Sails * triple
Trip to Amsterdam * (?? 50 Years)
Trip to Dublin * (1777) 7 x 32 Bars Tune: The Contrefatte
Trip to Greene * 3cpl
Trip to Highgate * triple minor
Trip to Macclesfield no instructions
Trip to Margate by the Sea, A *
Trip to Mortsel * no music
A Trip to Orpington
A Trip to Orpington *
Trip to Panama * 4cpls
Trip to Provence ??instructions
Trip to The Cottage (Intro. of 4 bars+6 x 32 bars) only video
Trip to The Manors * 2 facing couple
Trip to The Mills * (Molengang)
Trip to Town O sicilian circle
Trip to Tunbridge * 3cpl
Trip to Uxbridge 3cpl *
Trip to Wimbleton, A no music
Triple Chocolate no music
TRIPLICATE 3-person longways
Triumph *
The Troubled Suitor The Troubled Suitor
True Joak no music
True Kit *
Trumpet Vine or Joe Brown & rsquo's Hornpipe Trumpet Vine or Joe Brown’s Hornpipe
Tunbridge Frisk * no music
Twas Within a Furlong of Edinborough Town (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Twelfth Night * Twenty Ninth of May *
Twenty Years After, or Choice Callers
Twickenham Ferry Twickenham Ferry *
Twins, The * 4 cpls
Twist of Fate * music + no instructions
Two cousins, The * music + no instructions
Up On A Lofty Mountain Up on a Lofty Mountain
Up the sides and down the middle no instructions no music
Upon a Summer's Day * 3 couples
Valentine's Day * (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Virgin of 15 Years (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Virginia Reel 4 or 5 couples
Volpony *
Wa to We
Walpole Cottage * Sicilian Circle of Trios
Waterfall Waltz * Sicilian Circle
The Waters of Holland (First Version) Longways set for Three couples
The Waters of Holland (Second Version) Longways set for Three couples
Waggoner *
Wakefield Hunt * Triple Minor
Walkaway *
Walpole Cottage Sicilian circle? M+2W
Waltham Abbey walton abbey
Waltz Cotillion or Killarney Waltz no instructions no music
Waltzmaree Sequence Dance to Music
Waltz Country Dance Sicilian circle no music
Washington Quickstep Contra Dance no music
Waterfall Waltz Sicilian circle
Waters of Holland 3 couples
Waves of Tory 5 couples Scottish? Great ceilidh dance
Way to Norwich see Cuckolds all a row
Weezle, The no music
We'll Bed and We'll Weed triple
Well Done Jack * triple
Well Met Four Couples
Well's Humour (Purcell's Dancing Master) triple minor
Welsh Rabbit, The no music
Welsh March, A no music
Westmorland no music
We Are All Right at Canterbury *
Wendy for Somesuch no instructions
Wh to Wi
Whalebones Scottish 4 couple set dance
WHAT'LL I DO? 3-couple
Whirle It About no music
Whirl A Jig tune by Charlene Thompson, dance by Loretta Holtz
Whirligig's Last Bow The Whirligigs’ Last Bow or Whirligigs’s Maggot *
Whiskers * triple minor
White Joak 3 Co longset or triple
White Wheat 3 couples longways
Whitehall Minuet or White-Hall Minuett 4 cpl set?
Whitsun Holidays or The Parson in the Pease
Wibsey Roundabout Round for five couples,
Wickering Wench * (Maggot Pie) 3 cpls
Widows Shall All Have Husbands *
Wild Asparagus no music
Wildboar's Maggot * Longways for 3 couples no music
Winter in Brasstown 3C longways
Winter Memories 4 couples longways. no music
Winter Solstice (5 couples, square + 1 in centre
Winter's Night Schottische (2.37) name of a tune?
Winter Dreams Gary Roodman 1996
Winter Waltz * 3 couples
Withywind, The (Maggot Pie) * 4 cpls in Square form
Wo ...
WOLFY AT THE GATE Circle mixer
Wolverton Hall no music
Wood Duck circle mixer; 2 concentric circles
Wooden Shoes * or Bartholomew Fair (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Woodicock/An Old Man is a Bed full of Bones (4.03) need work!
Woodlawn Park no music
Woodruff *
Wooing Mairi Three couple longways set
Wrath of Sandy Four Couple Longways Set,
Wright's Humour music?
Wrights of Lichfield, The * Longways for 3 couples
X Ackley *
Yakima Rim * 3cpls
Young Man's Fancy (Maggot Pie) * square form
Young Roger (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730) Portsmouth?
Young Widow * Triple minor (or 3 Co long set)
Young Wisdom no music Portsmouth?
4 Potatoes and a few notes OECDC 018
American Country Dance Revolutionary Era OECDC 023 all instructions
At Home ECDC Volume#5 OECDC 063
By Request ECDC Volume#7 OECDC 064
Tne Blind Harper Dances dances OECDC 020
Come Let's Be Merry book dances OECDC 066
Contras Caller/Teacher Manual OECDC 079
ECD - Sea to Sea OECDC 053
Cook's Tour OECDC 052
Cracking Chestnuts Smukler Millstone OECDC 032
Danced with a Difference I Dances Hume OECDC 015
Danced with a Difference II Dances Hume OECDC 016
Dances for Living History Events Dances OECDC
Dances from Barnes Two Dances OECDC035
Don Armstrong's Dance Workbook OECDC 078
Dutch Crossing book OECDC 055
Early One Morning dances OECDC 013
Ease and Elegance Fried De Metz Herman OECDC 028
ECD - Sea to Sea OECDC 053 2 books
An Elegant Collection of Contras and Squares OECDC 083
English Country Dance Collection * 15 Volumes dances
English Dances for the Dutch Court OECDC 039
English Country Dancing An Introduction OECDC 084
Farnicle Huggy A.Shaw OECDC 040
Flights of Fancy By: Gregory Reynolds OECDC 043
Flights of Fancy By: Wendy Crouch OECDC 045
Houses, Halls & Parks OECDC 036
Hit&Miss OECDC 062
Impropriety II OECDC ???
Jane Austen Assembly OECDC 088
Maggot Pie OECDC 061
Norfolk Capers Peggy Hazell OECDC 046
Pat Shaw Collection I Dances 2books OECDC 056
Pat Shaw Collection II Dances OECDC 057
Pat Shaw Collection III Dances 2book OECDC 058
Pat Shaw Collection IV Melodies OECDC 059
Pat Shaw Collection V Melodies 2books OECDC 060
Pat Shaw Pinewood OECDC 034
Peggy Roe Diagonally OECDC 048
Philippe Callens Belgian Boutacles OECDC 044
Pimentel Goldcrest Collection Dances OECDC 051
The Playford Assembly Dances OECDC 089
Playford with a Difference Colin Hume Dances OECDC 017
The Popular_17th_18th_Century ECD Dances OECDC 038 tunes
Roodman Band of Friends dances OECDC 069
Roodman Fast Friends dances ECDC Volume#15 OECDC 065
Roodman Good Friends dances OECDC 070
Roodman New Friends dances OECDC 068
Roodman Old Friends dances OECDC 067
Round Dance Book OECDC 082 history of dance
A Selection of 100 English Folk Dance Airs Melodies OECDC 054
Triple Dutch OECDC 014