Longways, triple minor
Walsh reprinted the dance under the net title Killing Kitty
Tune: The Jolly Company
A1 1-2 1st and 2nd cpls. hands 4, circle L. half round and fall back with nbr. 3 Nbrs. facing, set R. and L. 4 Ptns. facing, set R. and L. 5 Ptns. cross L. and turn L. to face in, into A2 1-2 1st and 2nd cpls. hands 4, circle R. half round and fall back with nbr. 3 Nbrs. facing, set R. and L. 4 Ptns. facing, set R. amd L. 5 Ptns. cross L., 1st cpl. turning L. to face down, inside hands joined, 2st cpl. turning to face up (woman L., man R.}, for B 1-4 Grimstock (mirror} hey. 5 1st cpl. set R. and L. 6-7 1st cpl. long cast down into 2nd place, 2nd cpl. leading up into 1st place in bar 7, 8-9 1st cpl. lead down through 3rd cpl. and cast back up into 2nd place.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuMWG1BASZs triple minor
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynTaehtl26E 3cpl version
The set at B5 is part of the same musical phrase as the hey.