Hambleton's Round O
As in “The Playford Ball” Triple Minor Longways
Recording: the best best rich sound
??Need to decide which of these is best?? sloppy interesting
A 1-2 1st couple cast down to middle place, 2nd couple moving up. 3-6 1st man hey for three with 3rd couple passing 3rd woman left shoulder while 1st woman hey with 2nd couple passing 2nd man left shoulder. 7-8 1st couple turn two-hands in middle place. B 1 1st woman and 2nd man change places. {they are in first corner positions.} 2 1st man and 2nd woman change places. 3-4 Circle four-hands half-way around and turn single to right. 5-8 Partners face: 1st and 2nd couples circular hey, four changes.
Condensed instructions:
C1 cast into reels of 3 across (L up, M down) C1 turn 2H 1st Cnrs cross, 2nd Cnrs cross, circle 4 Hands, turn single and face partner 4 changes of circular hey
ins_hambletons_round_o.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/28 01:44 by