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Through the Looking Glass

Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 2006
Square for Four Couples
Tune: Through the Looking Glass

A1 1-8 Circle 8-hands to left and back to right
   Open chain for all:
   9-10 1st diagonals L-hands across halfway while 2nd diagonals turn single right
   11-12 R hand turn with the one you meet
   13-14 1st diagonals L-hands across halfway(home) while 2nd diagonals turn single right
   15-16 Partners R-hand turn to end with 1st diagonals facing in, 2nd diagonals facing out

B I-16 Schichallion reel: 1st diagonals go through center of set to 2nd diagonal position 
       to their right while 2nd diagonals loop over R-shoulder to partner’s place to begin, 
       continue this track until home (1st diagonals facing in; 2nd diagonals facing out)  
C 1-2 Partners take R-hands and set toward each other and away
  3-4 1st diagonals progress:  1st diagonals move to next 1st diagonals place CCW around
      the set while 2nd diagonals turn single over L-shoulder (outside shoulder)
  5-8  New partners L-hand turn once round
  9-12 Four changes of a grand chain halfway round, begin with L-hand to new partner
  13-16 L-shoulder gypsy with this new partner
Repeat with this new partner but doing the mirror image:
A 1-8 Circle 8-hands to right and back to left
Open chain for all: 
  9-10 2" diagonals R-hand star halfway while 1st diagonals cast left
  11-12 L-hand turn with the one you meet
  13-14 2nd diagonals R-hand star halfway while 1st diagonals cast left :
  15-16 Partners L-hand turn to end with 2nd diagonals facing in, 1st diagonals facing out
B I-16 Schichallion reel: 2nd diagonals go through center of set to 1st diagonal to their left
       while 1st loop over L-shoulder to partner’s place to begin, continue this track until
       home (2nd diagonals facing in; 1st diagonals facing out)
C 1-2 Partners take L-hands and set away from each other and toward each other
  3-4 2nd diagonals progress: 2md diagonals move to next 2nd diagonals place CW around
      the set while 1st diagonals turn single over R-shoulder (outside shoulder)
  5-8 New partners R-hand turn once round
  9-12 Four changes of a grand chain halfway round, begin with R-hand to new partner
  13-16 R-shoulder gypsy with this new partner
Repeat twice more (original direction and then mirror image) until directly across the circle from
where you began, then finish the dance with...

A I-16 Circle 8-hands to left and back to right; Circle 8-hands to right and back to left

Music: Downstream by Shira Kammen, 2002
Teaching Point: See diagrams of the Schichallion reel and the progression on page 57.
This dance is not for the faint-hearted.

ins_through_the_looking_glass.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 03:36 by mar4uscha