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Duple minor longways, 1st couple improper, G Minor, 2/2
Odd Calculated Figures ( Roodman), 2008.
Tune “Ramblin’ Rosie” by Steve Maranto.

Initial Formation: lines of four “facing down"
             ↓ W1 M2 W2 M1 ↓
Al 1-4   Line of four lead down the hall, turn individually and fall
         back (still going down the hall).
   5-8   Lines of four lead up the hall into gates back into the
         major lines (1st couple backing up).
A2 1-4   Partners set right and left and two-hand turn halfway,
         end facing neighbor.
   5-8   Neighbors set right and left and two-hand turn halfway into
B  1-4   Women change places on the corners; then men change.
   5-8   Circle left once around.
   9-10  PROGRESSION: 1st couple cast down the outside, while
         2nd couple lead up the inside into
   11-12 With new neighbor, mirror-image gypsies three-quarters
         (1st couple “splitting” the twos) into new lines of four.


The dance has a delightful beginning, led with an emphatic pulse. After the opening leads down and up, the dance assumes a longways formation. It may take dancers a few rounds to become accustomed to the extended B phrase, but it will be rewarded with the fun of ending the round with new couples and launching right into the next round!

ins_ramblin_rosie.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/05 01:58 by mar4uscha