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Susan Mann’s Jig

Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 2006
Longways for Four Couples, Three Couples Active
Sx32 Jig

1-8   1s, 2s, and 3s petronella turn into the center in a line of six facing partner, 
      all set, then petronella to partner's place and set
9-20  Handing figure: All cross by R-hand with partner, those who can give L hands
      and cross diagonally while others set; repeat twice more to invert set (3s, 2s, 1s)
21-24 Is lead to the top and cast to 2nd place while 3s cast to 3rd place and 2s wait and
      step up to top
25-32 Circle 6-hands round and back
      1s repeat from new places

Teaching points:
For Bars 21-24 we've found it more helpful to call “bottoms lead up while tops cast” rather than identifying numbers.

At the beginning of the first time through the dance for each new active couple, the old active couple needs to cast to the bottom while the old 4s who have just become 3s do the petronella with an adjustment to end in 3 place.

Chris wrote a version of this dance in 1997 to honor Susan Mann, a vibrant dancer in our community who died before her time. She didn’t always know where she was in the dance and when that happened she would yell ‘petroNELL.” The first version was more complicated and we worked on it a few years ago to make it more accessible.

ins_susan_manns_jig.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 03:41 by mar4uscha