Nathaniel Kynaston 171?
Longways 3 couple
A1 1-2 1st cpl. cross R. and turn R. to face. 3-4 1st cpl. set R. & I,. 5-8 1st cpl. long cast down into 2nd place, 2nd cpl. leading up in bars 7-8. A2 1-2 1st cpl. cross R. and turn R. to face. 3-4 1st cpl. set R. & L. 5-8 1st cpl. long cast down into 3rd place, 3rd cpl. leading up in bars 7-8 and staying facing up. B1 1-8 1st cpl. hey contrary sides, crossing up between 3rd cpl. who cast down, 1st cpl. finishing in 3rd place improper. 9-10 1st cpl. set R. & L. 11-12 1st cpl. short cast up into 2nd place, 3rd cpl, leading down. 13-16 1st cpl. L-hand turn once and a half round. B2 1-8 1st man & 3rd cpl., 1st wo. & 2nd cpl., hey for 3 across the set, 1 st cpl. finishing back in 2nd place in the middle of a line of 4 facing up between 2nd cpl. who loop down onto the end of the line from the hey. 9-12 All joining inside hands. Iine of 4 and 3rd cpl. behind Iead up and fall back. 13-16 1st cpl. lead up into 1st place then cast down to the bottom of the set. 2nd cpl. moving forward to meet in middle placc then 2nd & 3rd cpls. leading up into I st and 2nd places respectively. Repeat x 2
Twenty Four New Country Dances for the Year 1718 ..dedicated to Richard Waringe at ye Heyes in ye County of Salop by….Natl. Kynaston. London. J. Walsh, J. Hare, [1718] Walsh reprinted the dance in The Second Book of the Compleat Country Daning Master 1719 (and in the 3rd edition of this Book, [1735]).