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Money in Both Pockets

Duple minor proper

C1 set twice to W2; circle 3 left once
C1 set twice to M2; circle 3 left once
C1 lead down to below their C2; face and set
C1 lead up above C2 and cast
4 changes of R & L

Money in Both Pockets

Duple minor longways

Al Is set twice to 2nd woman, then circle left with her once around.
A2 Is set twice to 2nd man, then circle left with him once around.

B1 Is lead down the center of the set, then lead back to places (skipping), 
   and cast down into 2nd place.
B2 Four changes of rights and lefts.


ins_money_in_both_pockets.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 04:42 by