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Chocolate for Breakfast

Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2007
Duple Minor Longways
Tune: Chocolate for Breakfast

Al 1-2 2nd diagonals L-hand turn once round into.
   3-4 2nd diagonals orbit CCW halfway round to each other's place
A2 1-2 1st diagonals R-hand turn once round into.
   3-4 1st diagonals orbit CW halfway round to each other's place
B  1-4 2s(at top) slip down the middle and back
   5-6 Two changes of rights and lefts (R-shoulder to partner to begin)
   7-8 Is R-hand turn once round moving down to 2 place while 2s cast up

Music: Top o the Mornin’ by Jonathan Jensen, 2007

ins_chocolate_for_breakfast.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/26 23:38 by mar4uscha