Adapted by Frank von Cleef in 1982.
Proper duple minor dance.
Longways for as many as will 3/2 timing.
Al 1-4 1st couple two hand turn once and a half 5-8 1st couple cast below the 2nd couple and cross to their own side, 2nd couple moving up A2 1-8 2nd couple (in first place) the same, 1st couple moving up Bl 1-4 1st man and 2nd lady change places, 1st lady and 2nd man the same 5-8 Circle left halfway and turn single B2 1-4 1st lady and 2nd man change, the others the same 5-8 Circle left halfway, 1st couple cast below the 2nd couple as they move up.
Some disagreement; several sources gives 1679 as the date, but also 1701, and “sometime in the early 1700s.”
Note: Well Hall was a large house at Eltham in South East London,
formerly Kent. The grounds, moat and barn still exist.