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Yakima Rim

Chris Sackett and Brook Friendly 2005
Longways for Three Couples
Tune: Yakima Rim

Al 1-3 2s and 1s gate turn once round (2s in and up to begin)
   4-6 2s and 3s gate turn once round (2s in and down to begin)
A2 1-3 1s cast into 2nd place while 2s lead up and turn away from partner in top place
   4-6 All 2-hand turn once round
BI 1-3 1s pass partner by R-shoulder to R-hand turn with 1st corner once round
   4-6 1 L-hand turn once round
B2 1-3 1s R-hand turn with 2nd corner once round
   4-6 1s L-hand turn once and a bit to face out own side
cl 1-4 1s orbit CCW halfway round set (skipping) while 2s and 3s do two changes of
       rights and lefts (R-hand to partner to begin)
   5-8 Lines of 3 forward a double and back
C2 1-4 Is L-shoulder half hey across the dance with couple on the right (L-shoulder to 1st
       corner to begin)
   5-8 Lines of 3 forward a double and back

Music: Yakima Rim by Dave Bartley, 2004
Teaching point:
Note that the A and B parts are six bars but the C part is eight bars — this longer phrase can take people by surprise if you're not careful.
Dave's tune, written as a 'jig time strathspey’, peaked our interest. The phrasing of the B phrase seemed to ask for the corner partner figure.

ins_yakima_rim.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 03:39 by mar4uscha