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Gary Roodman 2012
Circle for Five Couples
Eglish/American Traditional Style
Tune: ANNA TURNS FIVE (033.mp3-jazz)

Al 1-4 M to center of the circle, turn R, and go back into
       the circle on the other side of Ptr.
   5-8 WOMEN, THE SAME: W to center of the circle,
       turn R, and go pack into the circle, and end facing
       ptr along the line of the circle.
                 [Al Home]                 
A2 1-4 With ptr, balance by the R F&B and change places
       (“box the gnat”) and
   5-8 Everyone pull past three (Ptr by Rs next by L, next
       by R, meet the next).
BI 1-4 With this newest Pir, gypsy R once around.
   5-8 With the person on the other side, gypsy L once
B2     DO-SI-DO AND SWING: Going back to newest
       Ptr, do-si-do and swing.

SIC: “Beaumont Rag,” a traditional tune.

ins_anna_turns_five.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/31 04:16 by mar4uscha