As in “The Playford Ball”
Square for 4 couples
Part I A1 1-4 All take hands, forward a double and fall back a double. 5-8 All set to partners, then to corners. A2 1-8 Repeat A1. B1 1-8 Partners arm right (1-2), men left hands-across once around while women skip clockwise around outside of set to places (3-8). B2 1-8 Repeat B1, arming left, women right hands-across while men skip counter-clockwise. Part II A1 1-8 Partners side once (1-4), slow set and honor right (5-6), then pass each other by left shoulder to meet a new partner. A2 1-8 With new partner, repeat A1. B1 1-4 Present side couples lead to center (inside hands), change hands and lead back, then make an arch. 5-8 Present head couples cast off outside, go through nearest arch and return to place, skipping. B2 1-8 Repeat B1, head couples leading in and out, side couples casting off. Part III A1 1-4 Present partners arm right. 5-8 Present partners arm left once-and-a-half, then go forward to meet a new partner. A2 1-4 New partners arm right. 5-8 New partners arm left once-and-a-half, ending in two lines up and down the hall, women to their new partner's left. B1 1-4 Taking hands along the sides, all fall back a double (1-2) and come forward a double (3-4). 5-8 All turn single right (5-6), then pass through line changing places with opposite and forming new lines across the hall. {dancers on the inside of the old line go to the ends of the new line.} B2 1-8 Repeat B1, passing through to original places in the set, and honor partner.
See an animation of this dance SvgLogoSmall.png.
Newcastle Round for eight
A1 16 Hands eight into center and fall back; partners set, corners set, A2 16 All that again. B1 16 Partners arm right (8); men left hands across to places as ladies B2 16 Partners arm left (8); ladies right hands across to places as men skip round (counter-clockwise) (8). A3 16 Partners side (8), set right and honor (4), go on to next (4). A4 16 Side with next (8), set right and honor (4), go on to next (4). B3 8 Original head couples (now at sides!) lead in a double, lead back and make arches facing out. 8 Original side couples cast round, pass through arches, and skip back B4 16 Repeat (side couples make arches, head couples cast). A5 16 Arm right with THIS partner; arm left 1 1/2 and go on to next. A6 16 Repeat with next, fall into lines up and down room (close together; original heads at ends of line, lady left of current partner). B5 8 Join hands in lines, fall back, and forward a double. 8 Turn single, cross over with opposite to form lines across room (Original sides at end of line). B6 8 Fall back in lines, come forward. 8 Turn single and cross over with opposites to original places.
Newcastle 4 couple round
Hands-8 into centre, fall back; partners set, contraries set. Repeat. Partners arm R; men L hands across to places while women skip round them, clockwise to places. Partners arm L; women R hands across to places while men skip round them, anticlockwise to places. Partners side; step R and honour, pass on. Side with the next, step and honour, pass on. Original head couples (now at sides) lead forward a double, lead back and make arches; original side couples cast round, through arches and back. Repeat with side couples making the arches and head couples casting. Arm R with next; arm L 3/2 and pass on. Repeat with next and fall into lines up and down the room, close together, original heads at ends of lines. Join hands in lines and fall back a double, forward a double; turn single, cross over with person opposite and form lines across the room, original sides at ends. Fall back in lines, come forward; turn single and cross over with opposites to original places.
ins_newcastle.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/24 00:22 by