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My Cape Breton Home

Don & Diane Bell
Four-couple square
Level of difficulty: intermediate
Tune: My Cape Breton Home

A       (Joining hands in a ring)
  1-8   Balance in and out (moving left one place)
        Repeat 3 times (end halfway around in opposite
        place; head and side couples have switched ends)
  9-10  Head couples (1 & 3) pass hrough/ change places
       (pass by right-shoulder, end facing out of the square)
  11-12 Head couples wheel around (man backing up, woman
        moving forward; head couples are home) 
  13-16 Side couples (2 & 4) pass through change places and
        wheel around in same manner as head couples

B Solo for "active couple"; Couple 1 begin; the sequence below
is a bit like lacing boots.
   1-4 Couple 1 split the opposite couple, while the opposite
       couple make way by facing partner and stepping back.
       couple 1 cast away from partner around one dancer
       and then face your partner
   5-8 Cross by right-shoulder (changing Places)
        Couple 1 dance up the outside (around 1 person,
        ending in middle of nearest side couple)
   9-12 Couple 1 now cross by right-shoulder (change places to
       end in middle of other side couple)
       Couple 1 dance up the outside (around one person to
        face partner in home/original place)
  13-16 All two-hand turn once

Repeat the whole dance 3 more times with couples 2, 3, then 4 active
in the B part solo.


ins_my_cape_breton_home.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 03:33 by