Longways, duple minor
Playford, 1703
A. Shaw 2009
Tune: Cookow
Al 1-8 1st man & 2nd wo. back-to-back R., then R-hand turn once round. A2 1-8 1st wo. & 2nd man repeat Al. B 1-4 Ptns 2-hand turn clockwise half round, bringing feet together on 4th beat, then 2-hand turn anticlockwise half round, bringing feet together on 8th beat. 5-8 1st cpl. cross R. and face down, bringing feet together on 4th beat then move down the outside into 2nd place and face ptn., bringing feet together on 8th beat, as 2nd cpl. meet ptn. and face up, bringing feet together on 4th beat then lead up into 1st place and face ptn., bringing feet together on 8th beat. 9-12 1st cpl. half figure 8 up through 2nd cpl. 13-16 Hands 4, circle L. once round.