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Nick's Maggot

Charles Bolton; More Of The Same (1986)
Longways duple improper
Tune: Nick's Maggot

A   1-2 All walk one place clockwise. |
    3-4 Women cross R shoulder to change places.
    5-6 All walk one place clockwise 
    7-8 Men cross R shoulder to change places. All should be home. |

B1. 1-4 Circle L half way, and partners "California Twirl", so that couple 1 are
        facing down and couple 2 up, all having changed sides with partner.
    5-8 On the line, symmetrical back-to back with next couple, couple 1
        passing between new couple 2, both couples taking inside hand when
        possible. Stay facing the same way.

B2.     Couple 1 lead down through new couple 2 and cast back to face original
        couple 2, lead up between them and cast back to face new couple 2,
        while, |couple 2 dance up outside new couple 1, turn in, and lead back to face
        original couple 1, dance down outside them, and lead back to face new
        couple 1. (Skip change step).

       (In this figure all take inside hand with partner whenever possible.)

Recording: gives

ins_nicks_maggot.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/16 02:33 by mar4uscha