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formation: LW
Choreographers: David and Kathryn Wright
(based on Johnson ‐ Choice Collection of 200 FavouriteCountryDances vol.8 (1758))
year:1979, meter:2/4, key:A

A1    1‐4 1st‐corners set towards each other and fall‐back
      5‐8 1st‐corners cast into neighbor's place
	  2nd‐corners right‐hand‐turn 1‐1/4 into neighbor's place
A2    1‐4 2nd‐corners set towards each other and fall‐back
      5‐8 2nd‐corners cast into neighbor's place
	  1st‐corners right‐hand‐turn 1‐1/4 into neighbor's place
B1    1‐4 all right hand star
      5‐8 all left hand star
B2    1‐4 1st‐couple cross by right‐shoulders and travel down the outside
          into 2nd‐place; 2nd‐couple lead‐up into 1st‐place
      5‐8 1st‐couple half‐figure‐8 through the 2nd‐couple formation:
ins_alterations.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/12 03:11 by mar4uscha