OTTAWA ENGLISHCOUNTRY DANCE CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 ORANGE HALL, 41 ROSEMOUNT AVE, OTTAWA, ON Attendees: Mary Williams, Godfrey Williams, Mary Nash, Tara MacCafferty, Don Smith, Marie-Jo Faucher, Casey Peters, Mary Shliefman, David Shliefman, Graham Thompson, Jane Thompson, Janet Inonye, Susan Barker, Brenda Heming, Edward Hearn, Catherine Reynolds, Gregory Reynolds, Sofia L., Suzette Argo, Wayne Thom Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the President, Mary Williams. 1. Approval of the amended agenda-moved Mary S. Seconded Brenda H. Carried 2. Approval of the minutes of the AGM 2014-needs to be edited. Moved by Graham T,, Seconded Susan B. Carried. 3. Business arising Teaching style. “Move of the month” petered out when we lost Irfona. Suggestions in Item 7. Budget for acquisition of CDs. Update. Club agreed for $500 but additional money in memory of Irfona. Name tags for members. Temporary labels for newcomers will come from Suzette and/or Sophia. 4. Highlights of the year by Mary Williams first-loss of Irfona on Dec. 17 has left a huge hole, she was a mentor and friend, and is greatly missed. Dance in memory of Irfona in April, Quite Carried Away was the band. Lots of visitors, Irfona's 2 daughters attended. Photos from Casey P. and video from Edward H.. Over 700 dollars were collected. Close partnership with contra group-sharing equipment and out of town callers. March 6- Mavish band with local callers. April 3, With band Noreasters we went to Spencerville with Adena Gordon as caller Beginner classes with Ann Thornton-Hill, being helped now by Casey Peters. June Harman and Michael Dyck have joined our group and June has taught two complicated dances to the group. Club is cataloguing all our music resources Michael and June to put together wish list for the Club Ottawa -Putting on the Dance conference- lots of ideas, fortunate that we have such a good club. 5. Treasurer’s report: Godfrey Williams Financial summary Docs accessible through the website. Proposal 1: reduce the Orange Hall to $30 per session. Moved by Godrey, Seconded by Jane. Carried. Proposal 2: increase musician's gratuity to $50, Moved by Godfrey seconded by Ann T_H. Approval of the financial report, moved by Jane, seconded by Suzette, carried. 5a. Not for profit motion (Moved by Mary Nash on behalf of John Nash) To satisfy the requirements of a not-for-profit organization, Ottawa ECD Club will continue with the following directors: John Nash (President), Godfrey Williams, Graham Thompson and Michelle Sutherland. Sara Lawson will continue as the appointed secretary. Seconded by Brenda, Carried. 6. TTO 2014 report: Sara Lawson To be attached. Accepted the report moved by Sara, seconded by Graham, Carried 7. Items for discussion to help the executive make the right decision for the club: Increase payment of band members from $45 to $50-accepted. Offer a Family Dance, which includes parents and children. Generally in favour, to be discussed by the executive. Increase publicity through Facebook-need a couple of people Ways of improving our style- Dance of the month- repeat dances more often. Executive to work on this and involve the callers. Offer “Tricky Dances” sessions. Rent Mlacak on a Sunday afternoon. Calling: very occasionally there is no caller for the dance. If everyone had one dance that they knew well, we will never be in this position. Is there support for “Adopt a Dance”? From Putting on the Dance think about it and list people and dances. Cards available ?? 8. Election of officers and volunteers for the coming season Executive for 2015 -2016 President for one more year Mary Williams Vice president +Wiki masterJohn Nash Treasurer Godfrey Williams Secretary Sara Lawson Web masterGraham Thompson Publicity Susan Barker, Sophia Registration of members Margaret Jones Caller organizer/roster maker Sara Lawson Refreshments Brenda Heming Ball chairperson Sara Lawson (for one more year) Teacher for beginners Anne Thornton-Hill, Casey Peters Band liaison Anne Thornton-Hill Members at large David & Mary Shleifman, Susan Barker, June Harman OTHER VOLUNTEER ROLES Role Leading volunteer Back-up Tea maker Edward Christine and Andrew Cookie monster Andrew Robert Cook Club computer David Amplifier, mike, stand Graham Godfrey W. Board & easel, Wiki input Mary W Graham T. Brochure producer Susan B Graham T. Hall rentals Mary W & Susan B. Name tag maker Jane Thompson Ball planning 2015, Tara M. Callers John, Mary W, Sara, Anne, June, Jane T, Susan B, Gregory (Orange Hall only) Each other 9. Any Other Business -Business cards for ECD to show to interested individuals -Graham about the website- input is invited. Detailed info under password protection. -Jane Austen Soc. In Ottawa closing. Aug. 23, Billings Estate has a tea dance-Brenda and Sophia to work together for this event. 10. Adjournment-meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. seconded Suzette Mary Williams, President Mary Nash, Recorder