Alder Cove

Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 2005
Duple Minor Longways
Tune: Alder Cove

Al 1-4 Neighbors mirror turn, 1s in and down to begin
   5-8 1s mirror chevron on the side (cross down passing R-shoulder, back up on the
       sidelines to each other's place)
       While the 2s mirror back to back with neighbor on the side (up outside to begin)
A2 1-4 22 mirror chevron on the side (cross up passing R-shoulder, back up down the
       sidelines to each other's place)
       while 1s mirror back to back with neighbor on the side (down outside to begin)
   5-8 Neighbors mirror turn, Is out and down to begin
B  1-4 Is cast down and 2-hand turn halfway
       while the 2s lead up and 2-hand turn halfway
   5-8 Circle 4-hands to left once round
   9-12 Is lead up and cast down
        while the 2s cast down and lead up to progressed places

Music: Riding to Shoreline by Dave Bartley, 2004
Teaching Points:
Al bars 1-4: Neighbors turn with L-hand on R-file and R-hand on L-file.
A2 bars 5-8: Neighbors turn with R-hand on R-file and L-hand on L-file.
Al and A2: Each mirror back to back begins with imaginary people because the other couple is crossing down.

This dance had its beginning while we camped at Alder Cove, a beautiful and secluded campground on the northeast side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.