====== PLAYING (in) THE FIELD ====== Gary Roodman\\ A Square for Four Couples\\ Historical English Style\\ Tune: PLAYING (in) THE FIELD A 1-4 Taking hands-eight circle left halfway around, 5-8 With partner, gypsy right almost once around (plenty of time for this), but 9-10 M, as you come around in the gypsy, catch your corner’s eye, maybe hesitate a moment, and then loop out into her partner’s (former) place, while W move to the center, stand back-to-back for a moment and then turn right back to original places. [This is your new partner.] 1-4 INTRODUCTION TO NEW PARTNER: Each M in turn (ccw), beginning with the M now in 1st position, step into the center of the set to face current partner. (At the end, all M have their backs to the center, and women should adjust so that there are two straight lines of four crossing in the center.) 5-12 HEYS FOR FOUR THROUGH THE CENTER: (i) Everyone pass partner by the R; (ii) W Left hand star halfway in the middle, while M loop R on the outside; (iii) Everyone pass R with opposite person (who is now on your side); (iv) M Left hand star halfway in the middle, while W loop R on the outside; (v) Everyone pass R with partner (you are both now crossed over); (vi) W Left hand star halfway in the middle, while M loop R on the outside and end facing ccw ready to receive their opposite person with L hand. (All now facing ccw.) C 1-2 SQUARE LEADS: With this person, lead straight out along the side of the the square (not around the circle). 3-4 Face this person and women draw current man to new positions along the sides of the set (“heads" are now “sides”, and vice versa), wot 5-8 GRAND SQUARE: Current head couples lead to the center, meet partner, turn 1/4 to fall back to the sides with partner, while side couples fall back from each other, turn to face partner, and meet in head positions. 9-10 Everyone 2HT halfway with partner. [W in original places, M progressed one place to the left.] MUSIC: “Entree”, Mirtirtillo Suite, from Pastor Fido by G. F. Handel Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf8wQslOsoQ\\ Teaching Points:\\ This dance is a bit of a teaching challenge, but in my experience dancers ultimately find it quite logical. (1) The timing of the gypsy and progression in A 9-10 usually requires a bit of practice with the music. (2) The pace in B 5-8 is deliberate without rushing—6 passes over 8 two-beat bars. The women go across the set and come back, while the men go across and stay there. (3) Orientation at end of the B music: Before teaching the dance, have everyone change places with partner so that they wheel as a couple a quarter turn to the right, so that they are standing like spokes of a wheel facing square.