Waltz for Irfôna - Competition

Charlene Thompson, a friend of Irfôna's, who is well-known and respected in the ECD world as a composer and pianist, has written a waltz in memory of Irfôna Larkin. She and fellow musician, Julian Shepherd, have recorded it for us. It is not a professional recording, but quite adequate to dance to.

We thought it might be fun to invite members to choreograph the tune and we shall adopt our favourite version as the "official" dance.

So, please listen to the music, think of Irfôna, and give it a shot! Do not be shy ... very few of us are musicians ... everyone loves to waltz and your submission will be anonymous until you are crowned as the winner.

Here is a starting point from Charlene:

"Irfôna's Waltz has 2 parts. Both the A and the B parts have 16 measures. So, it is a 32 bar waltz.
The A part has 4 groups of 4 measures that seem to be discrete, but work together as a whole.
The B part has 4 two measure segments beginning at measure 17 and ending at measure 24.
Measure 25-28 and measures 29-32 are musical thoughts that work together to conclude the piece.
That is how I hear the piece; bit is not necessarily how others would link the parts!"


All the entries will be reviewed by the callers (anonymously) and the 3 favourites will be called and danced on April 9 with the Playford Players, for the membership to choose the winner.


WALTZ FOR IRFONA (For illustration purposes only!)

Longways duple minor proper

Right hands across
Left hands across back
1C lead down for 2 bars; set to each other
Lead back and cast to second place; C2 move up
Hands-4 circle left halfway; turn single left
Hands-4 circle left halfway; turn single left
Current 1st corners cross; current 2nd corners cross
1C cross and cast to progressed place while C2 lead up and 2-hand turn halfway

Mary Williams

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