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A Trip To Devonshire

longways, duple minor L. Vosteen proper

Tune: A Trip to Devonshire, @L. Vosteen, 1992 AABBX7

Trip to Devonshire (private)

 A1  First corners right-hand turn half way;
      all cross right shoulder with opposite person, turn right and 
      circle left half way round and fall back into lines.
 A2  Repeat A1 figure for new first corners (original 2nd corners). 
           (All are progressed & improper.)
 B1  1s half figure eight up through the 2s;
     2s half figure eight down through the 1s
 B2	Right hands across;   left hands back.
ins_trip_to_devonshire.1556283568.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/26 12:59 by nashjc