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Longways duple minor

Tune: Royal Albert

Tune straight through A B C D

A    lst couple cross over and pass round Znd couple to finish
     improper in the Znd couple's place. lst couple cross over
     aghin and pass round the next Znd couple to finish proper
     and progressed two places.
B    1st couple set to Znd couple above them and change places
     along the line, men R.S. ladies L.S. and ring of four once
     round to L. with their original Znd couple. (lst couple are
     now in their correct progressed place.)
C    lst couple cross over R.S. and dance a figure eight round
     the two pairs of Zs along the line, man starting the figure
     eight L.S. round the lady of his original Znd couple and
     finishing R.S. round the lady of the Znd couple below
     him. Lady starts figure eight by passing L.S. round man of
     Znd couple below her and finishes by passing R.S. round
     the man of her own Znd couple.
D    lst man set R and L to his own Znd lady twice while lst
     lady sets to Znd man below her. L.H. star once round with
     the Znd couples, lst man up and 1st lady down, to finish
     proper and progressed. The fourth member of each star is
     of course either the 1st man or lst lady from the next
     group of four.

Note: The neutral couple at the top should cross over during A I - 4 and join in the dance at ,A'5 as a lst couple continuing as a lst couple until 85 when to keep moving they can turn each other to the end of the B music. They will remain neutral throughout the C music. The neutral LADY will join in the D music by setting to the man below her and joining in the star.

“This popular and pretended new dance for 1815 called the Sicillian dance was La Mignonette Cottillion published about the year 1770 and only altered by putting 2 bars of “Kammells Rondo” at the conclusion of both strains, and to go still further the first strain is copied almost note for note from “The Happy Clown” published about 100 years ago.

Never mind the arguments - try the dance. O Ken Sheffield 1982


ins_sicilian_dance.1667702485.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/06 02:41 by mar4uscha