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A Change For The Good

longways duple, improper (24 bars) G. Ticknor

Tune: Cartwright's Jig (Traditional) AABX7

 A1	1st corners (women) change right shoulder and 

          change with neighbor (partner) on the side by the left shoulder. 

        New 1st corners (men) change by the right and 

         2-hand turn neighbor clockwise 3/4 to end in a line of 4 facing down 

                    (men on the ends, women in the middle)

 A2	Dance down a double. Fall back and bend the line. 

        All cross right shoulder and 2-hand turn neighbor (clockwise) 
          3/4 to end in a line of 4 facing up. 

         (1s are on the ends, improper, 2s in the middle, proper)

 B	All dance up a double, fall back and bend the line, 

        1 's falling in above the 2s. 
        1s cross and cast and half turn as 
        2s move up turning once
ins_a_change_for_good.1556215012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/25 17:56 by mar4uscha