The Zither Man

Three couple longways set, 1s improper, 2/2 meter

Colin Wallace, Cumbriana Jones and the Theatre of Doom, 2000

A1	1-4	1s & 2s (top 2 cpls) half-poussette partners CCW partners (M pushing).  New middles face down.
 	5-8	1s & 3s (bottom 2 cpls) half-poussette neighbors CW (M pushing), end facing across.
A2	1-4	1s & 3s (bottom 2 cpls) half-poussette partners CCW (W pushing).  New middles face up.
 	5-8	2s & 3s (top 2 cpls) half-poussette neighbors CW (end in order 2,3,1 with 2s improper).
B1	1-8	Mirror hey-for-3 on the sides, 3s out & up to start.
B2	1-4	2s & 3s (top 2 cpls) mirror back-to-back neighbor (2s splitting 3s to start, 3s taking inside hands & finish falling back to the bottom) while 1s (bottom cpl) 2-hand turn half-way & dance up outside to middle.
 	5-8	Circle 6 L half-way.  (Finish in order 3,1,2 with top couple improper).