Winter Dreams

Gary Roodman, 1996.
Music: “Winter Dreams” by Jonathan Jensen. 3/4 meter
Formation: Longways, duple minor improper.
Tune: Winter Dreams

A 1-4   ONCE cast to second place (a long slow cast) while TWOS lead up and 
        cast away from each other in first place.
  5-8   Dance into mirror-image gypsies once around, first M with second W (by R SH) and first
        W with second M (by L SH), to end facing across the set.
  9-12  With neighbor, pass through (passing ptr by R SH), and courtesy turn with neighbor.
  13-16 L hands across once around, moving twd ptr a bit at the end.
B 1-4   Taking hands on the sides, long lines fall back 3 steps and forward 3 steps.
  5-8   Hands four once around to the L.
  9-12  Two changes of a circular hey, beg with ptr by R hand.
  13-16 Two-hand turn with ptr.
         Repeat with a new couple each time.
