Proper 4 couple longways dance with no progression
Playford's Dancing Master in 1657
Adapted by Cecil Sharp in 1912
Recording: spring_garden--023b.mp3.zip
??? these sound the same, but are off different disks.

   Fig I
A        All lead partner up a double and back twice:
B1       All balance back & forward, circle L in 4's 1/2 way, balance back & forward &
         change places (ends across set with partner, middles on side with neighbour);
B2,3,4   Repeat B1 3 times to original places:
   Fig II
A        In fours, fall back past neighbour on sides passing Rsh & cross Rsh with partner,
         then repeat to places;
B1       Ends cast, followed by middles, into lines across set, then set in lines and cross
         with opposite;
B2       New ends cast, followed by middles, into lines on sides, then set in lines and
         cross with partner;
B3,4     Repeat B1 and B2:
   Fig III
A  1-4   All face Mens' wall, move forward a double, 
         Men turn to face partner and all 
         cross with partner;
   5-8   All face We's wall, move forward a double, 
         Men turn to face partner and all 
         cross with partner:
B1       Ends meet and set as middles fall back 
         diagonally towards ends, then come forward 
         into end places, 
         then all arm R 1 1/2, ends with partner, 
         middles with neighbour;
B2,3,4   Repeat B1 3 times, arming L, R and L.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQInPAlCDW8