Du min (1 st Co improper)
Thompson Compleat vol IV 1780

This nice tune seems to be crying out for a good dance. However, the instructions below either do not work or else need a seriously careful edit to indicate how to make the figures fit the music. See for how things go wrong. As far as I know, the original instructions were taken from the CD liner notes of Dance and Danceability. — nashjc 2017/11/25 16:00

A second version (below) based on adaptation by the Ottawa English Dance Club on Nov 24, 2017, gave plenty of smiles to the Assembly Players version of the tune.

A1   All face neighbour, set R & L & turn single, 
     then take inside hands with neighbour & cross with partner, 
     1 st Wo & 2nd Man making arch; 
A2   Repeat to place, 1 st Man & 2nd Wo making arch: 
B    1-6   Rh across & back with Lh, then 1st Co lead down (2),
           turn (2) and lead back to 2nd place, 2nd Co moving up, 
     7-8   Cross corners; Men cross Lsh, We cross Rsh, then repeat. 
           NB Men cross first each time.
OECDC version

(J Nash and dancers, Nov 24, 2017)

Duple Minor Improper

A1   All face neighbour, set R & L & turn single R.
     then take inside hands with neighbour & change sides of
     the set (cross with partner), 1 st Wo & 2nd Man making arch; 
     (The arch is made by the people on the usual ladies side of 
     the set in both A1 and A2.)
A2   Repeat to place, 1 st Man & 2nd Wo making arch: (Again people
     on the usual ladies side of set.)
B    Rh across & back with Lh, 
     1st Co lead down (2), turn (2) and lead back and cast
     into 2nd place, 2nd Co moving up,