Coast to Coast

Transplanted Greenery“ (Marnen Laibow-Koser), AAB
Sicilian triplet (lines of three facing three)
Tune: Coast to Coast

A1  1-4    Middle people move to their left and star left for three (skipping) 
           once around, easing out to face opposite. 
    5-8    Opposites gypsy left shoulder once around. 
A2  1-4    Middle people move to their right and star right for three (skipping) 
           once around, easing out to face opposite. 
    5-8    Opposites gypsy right shoulder once around. (Middles should gypsy 
           wide to form a ring.) 
B   1-4    Circle six to the left halfway. 
    5-8    Opposites back-to-back right shoulder. (After the back-to-back, 
           remain off set from opposite; on beats seven and eight, swivel on 
           right foot pulling right shoulder back 
           ready to reverse the track for the face-en-face.) 
    9-12   Opposites right shoulder face-en-face. (Back up passing opposite right shoulder, 
           then come forward passing left shoulder.) 
    13-16  Facing new opposites, lines of three go forward and back.


Teaching hp: ln alternate rounds of the dance, middle people remain in the middle but end people switch ends. H middles and ends w ant to swap places, the middle person can do a “roll away with a half sashay” with the right-hand end person during 813-16.

This dance was written for Sharon and David Green and Michael Siemon on the occasion of their return to the West Coast. It celebrates the sense of community that they foster wherever they go. The formation for this dance was suggested at a Country Dance' New York teachers' meeting as the perfect representation of the occasion; someone else seconded the idea, pointing out that the repertoire could stand some new works on the Community Dance Manual model. I took the bait. Many titles were bandied about; this one was suggested by a Germantown country dancer over dinner before the February Fling. Marnen Laibow-Koser, a musician with The Flying Romanos, composed the tune. By Orly L. Krasner, 2002