====== Sally's Choice ====== Orly L. Krasner, 2010\\ Four-couple longways\\ Tune: Sally's Choice\\ Part I A 1-4 Partners taking inside hands, all go up a double and back. 5-8 Lines of four joining hands, all fall back a double and come forward. 9-12 Partners two-hand turn once and a half. All home but improper. 13-14 1s and 2s meander right halfway (see note below). 15-16 1s and 3s meander left halfway. 17-18 1s and 4s meander right halfway. Order is now: 2-3-4-1 Part II A 1-4 Partners side into line right shoulder. 5-8 Partners side into line left shoulder. 9-18 As in Part I, 9-18, the 2s progressing to the bottom. Order is now: 3-4-1-2 Part III A 1-4 Partners arm right once around. 5-8 Partners arm left once 9-18 As in Part I, 9-18, the 3s progressing to the bottom. Order is now: 4-1-2-3 Part IV A 1-4 In a ring of 8, slip left. 5-8 In a ring of 8, slip right. 9-18 As in Part I, 9-18, the 4s progressing to the bottom. Order is now 1-2-3-4 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UECxMckjAkE\\ Tagalong" (Debbie Jackson),\\ Teaching tips: With only four steps for each meander, the motion is tight; the 1s have a brief S-shaped track to the bottom of the set. For groups whose dancers may need to make some accommodations, the two-hand turns may be done as a balance forw ard and back Note: The meander is a star or hands-across figure but without hands. In the meander right, dancers have their right shoulders to the center, and in the meander left, left shoulders. Meanders should be somewhat more compact than a single-file circle. This dance was written for Sally Lackman (but only she can tell you why).