====== Pear Blossom ====== Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2006\\ Longways for Three Couples\\ Tune: Pear Blossom A1 1-6 L file led by #1, go across the lop and down behind the R-file so line is inverted, pass individually below this person back to own side 7-8 R-hand turn halfway (2s are with partner, others are not) A2 1-6 Others (now on L-file), led by #1, go across the top and down behind the R-file so line is inverted, pass individually below this person (your partner) back to L-file 7-2 Partners R-hand turn halfway (set is inverted and proper) Bl 1-2 2s, with couple on left, L-hands across halfway so 2s outside the ends of the set 3-6 2s pass L-shoulder up and down the middle and go between the other end couple to outside of that end and turn over R-shoulder into... while Ends fall back and R-shoulder turn single coming forward into... 7-8 R-hands across halfway (end where began B1) B2 1-4 Bottoms (original 1s) R hand turn once round while 1st diagonals chevron (pass R-shoulder on diagonal, back up neighbors’ place) while 2nd diagonals wait 2 bars and cast right into neighbors place 5-6 Partners R-shoulder back to back End2,3,1 Music: A Christmas Jig or Jesus Born in Bethn'y\\ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWWzk9DEMoQ\\ Teaching Points:\\ Al and A2: See diagram on page 56.\\ BI 1-2 and 7-8: Each hands across for three is really halfway for the 1s and 3s but a bit more for the 2s on the 1* one and a bit less on the 2" one. 2s need to make a big arc coming out of the R-hands across to end in 2" place on their own side. We generally teach the 1s and 3s their part (as hand turns) and then have the 2s join in.\\ The pear tree that has about seven varieties grafted onto one rootstock. It was blossoming when we wrote this dance.