====== The Nine Tailors ====== Orly L. Krasner 1998\\ Duple minor longways, double progression; Is improper\\ Tune: Nine Tailors A1 1-4 Partners set right and left, then two-hand turn halfway. A2 1-4 Neighbors set right and left, then two-hand turn halfway. All progressed but crossed over. B1 1-4 Is dance a half figure eight (skipping) up through the standing 2s. 5-8 2s dance a half figure eight (skipping) down through the standing Is and look up to new Is. All progressed one place. B2 1-2 With the next couple, women change places passing left shoulder (2"d woman with new Ist woman above). 3-4 Men change places passing right shoulder {2" man with new I" man above). 5-8 Neighbors start three changes of rights and lefts (no hands, skipping). Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4STT3vZJHM Named for the 1934 detective novel by Dorothy Sayers that features the ringing of the changes in a village church belfry as a motif.